
What is TinkerHost?

TinkerHost is a free hosting provider, and our goal is to make website hosting something that is simple, easy, and stress-free. While our service are open to everyone, we specifically cater to those that are new to web hosting, and to those with a small or non-existent budget.

Why did you decide to make TinkerHost a free service?

We decided to make TinkerHost a free service because we want to support entrepreneurs, and those that want to open their own eCommerce business as a side-job on the weekends. Website building, designing, and hosting is normally expensive, and time consuming, so we decided to help elevate some of the stress that comes with starting on an online website or businesses, and build a service designed to help you grow.

For that reason, we provide free hosting services, a free sitebuilder, and an easy way to install wordpress, with our auto-installer. This way, you spend less time worrying about how to get online, and more time actually building the site of your dreams.

Does TinkerHost provide everything I need to build and present my website for free?

We sure do! One of our main goals when creating this platform was to make sure that everyone can get a website online, even if they don’t have a single penny to spare.

TinkerHost provides free subdomains, hosting, and website builders (From Site.Pro to WordPress) to every single person on our free plan. Additionally, you are free to build your own online store from our selection of auto-installable software, and place advertisements on your website to earn some money.

And if you are a developer and want a place to upload a portfolio of your work, we are here for you. Connect your custom domain to our servers, then upload your HTML, CSS, JS, and even PHP and MySQL code all for free.

Will you ever force me to upgrade or pay for an account?

We don’t want to force anyone to pay money to use our services, especially if you don’t have the means to do so. However, if your site is in violation of free hosting terms (For example, if you are uploading content that is consistently overloading our servers), we may suspend your right to a free hosting account. We only permanently suspend accounts when we absolutely have to. We don’t like doing it, and we know you don’t like experiencing it. If your account is permanently suspended, we will always give you the option to repeal the ban, as we are humans and do make mistakes.

Please remember that this service is free, so you won’t have the freedoms that you have with paid hosting providers. That being said, free hosting is powerful enough to host simple WordPress websites, community forums, and the homepage for your new mobile app.

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