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I. Supplemental Terms of Service for TinkerHost's "Custom Suspension Page" Feature

Henceforth, "Feature" will be known as TinkerHost's "Custom Suspension Page" feature, accessible from the TinkerHost dashboard, and available to select users (Which, may include all users, TH+ users, specific chosen users, or other groups designated by TinkerHost). The availability of these supplemental Terms does not signify the availability of the Feature, or vise-versa. By using the Feature, or by signifying your agreement to these supplemental Terms per a written document, electronic form, or other similar, legally-binding method, you agree to the supplemental Terms below. The Terms below are in addition to TinkerHost's general Terms of Service, publicly available at By agreeing to the Terms below, you additionally signify your agreement to the general Terms of Service.

The Feature utilizes the Cloudflare API, Cloudflare Workers, and other Cloudflare Services. You signify your agreement to Cloudflare's Terms and Conditions, Developer Terms and Conditions, API Terms and Conditions, and any other relevant legal documents should they exist and be publicly available. By using the Feature, you release TinkerHost from any liability regarding your Cloudflare Account (Including but not limited to financial and legal liability). Even if you revoke your agreement to these Terms, you continue to release TinkerHost from any aforementioned liability resulting, or potentially resulting, from a time period where TinkerHost had, or may have had, access to your Cloudflare account. You are solely responsible for ensuring no erroneous changes are made to your Cloudflare account, and TinkerHost only has permissions (via your Cloudflare API Key) that it requires for the Feature to work properly. You are additionally responsible for any erroneous changes made to your Cloudflare account resulting from incomplete, or excess, permissions provided to TinkerHost via your Cloudflare API Key. By using the Feature, you grant TinkerHost unlimited access (while your Cloudflare API token is active), to read, create, edit, and delete Worker Routes, read Worker Scripts, and purge the cache of your site on Cloudflare (We need this ability to make sure your custom suspension page disappears once your account is unsuspended). You agree to only use the Feature in conjunction with a Cloudflare account and domain that you can legally agree to these Terms with, or have legal permission to take actions on behalf of the legal entity owning or managing the Cloudflare account and/or domain.

TinkerHost reserves the right to modify these Terms in any way at any time without prior notification or warning. Furthermore, TinkerHost reserves the right to notify users as it sees fit to any changes to these Terms, which may include: No notification, Community Forum post, Colored banner in the Client Area (Accessible at, among other means of notification. To revoke your agreement to these supplemental Terms, select the "remove" or "delete" button that appears next to your domain in the "Custom Suspension Page" dashboard. Additionally, you must delete (or 'roll' [Change the API key]) the Cloudflare API key you configured for the feature in your Cloudflare dashboard. Please note that revoking your agreement to the general Terms does not revoke your agreement to these supplemental Terms [In other words, deleting, or requesting the deletion of, your TinkerHost account does not revoke your agreement to these supplemental Terms]. Revoking your agreement to these supplemental Terms does not revoke your agreement to the general Terms of Service. Please refer to the general Terms of Service for instructions on how to revoke your agreement to the general Terms. When closing your TinkerHost account, revoke your agreement to these supplemental Terms of service before revoking your agreement to the general Terms of Service.

If you fail to revoke your agreement to these supplemental Terms before revoking your agreement to the general Terms of Service, or you otherwise lose access or are unable to access your TinkerHost ClientArea account (accessible at, contact us at '' and request your agreement to these terms to be terminated. TinkerHost, at TinkerHost's own discretion, may choose to verify the provided Cloudflare API key is no longer valid by testing it on Cloudflare's API on an endpoint that does not modify any parts of your Cloudflare account per the endpoints official documentation. Your agreement to these supplemental terms will be terminated no more then five [5] business days following your notification of revocation request via email, or verification of a discontinued Cloudflare API key (Should TinkerHost choose to verify the key has been discontinued), whichever comes later.

II. Supplemental Privacy Policy for TinkerHost's "Custom Suspension Page" Feature

TinkerHost is committed to protecting user privacy. On top of our policy outlined at , we would like to make you aware of how your sensitive Cloudflare information (Henceforth known as "Keys") is managed, stored, processed, and shared on the TinkerHost platform.

TinkerHost temporarily stores all Keys when you provide them to TinkerHost via an electronic form. When you select a Cloudflare Worker on the configuration page, we store a copy of some of the provided Keys to our database. For your security, your Cloudflare API key is stored in a way that cannot be decrypted unless an attacker gains access to both the TinkerHost Source Code, and the TinkerHost Database. In the unlikely event we become aware of such a breech, we will notify you via email. TinkerHost never stores your Cloudflare Account ID in a database, however it may be temporarily stored after submission to allow TinkerHost to fetch available Cloudflare Workers. Your Cloudflare Zone ID, Worker Name, and occasionally, a Cloudflare Worker route ID. This information is not considered sensitive information, and may be stored in plaintext or in an encoded method. We will notify you if we believe this information has been accessed by an unauthorized party.

TinkerHost will never share or sell the Keys you provide with a 3rd party.

III. Additional Notes

At the time of writing, Cloudflare allows up to 100,000 worker requests per day. While your website is suspended, one worker request is used each time your custom page is shown. By default, Cloudflare will block any requests if the limit is hit, however you can configure Cloudflare to continue to show your custom page, inducing charges to your account.

II. What types of cookies do we use?

We use Essential, Analytical, and Advertising cookies.

  • Essential cookies allow us to provide you with the service(s) that your request from us. These cookies allow you to stay logged in to your account, and other basic functionality.
  • Analytical cookies allow us to track information about our pages, including when, and how often, they were viewed and interacted with. We use third-party analytical companies like Google Analytics to help us understand how our site is being used.
  • Advertising cookies collect information about your visit and may contain information about your device, IP, and browser.

III. How to disable cookies

Don't want us to use cookies during your visit? We understand. The process is different on each browser, so if our instructions don't work for you, please use a search engine, such as Google, to learn how your browser works. On most browsers, you can click the lock icon in the address bar to display a menu. Select the "Site Permissions" (Or similar) and disable the cookie option. Afterward, please re-load our site to save your settings.

This Supplimental Terms Document only applies to users using TinkerHost's "Custom Suspension Page" feature. By creating a TinkerHost account, you do not signify your agreement to these Terms, however, using additonal features within the TinkerHost dashboard may require you to agree to additonal Terms.

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